COS 2022 Holiday Gift Guide: The Field Tripper
Brave souls on a winter COS field trip.
Looking for a little shopping inspiration for the birder on your gift list? We asked COS field trip leaders to select their must-have gifts for birders heading out for a local trek, owl prowl, or bird count. Whether you are shopping for a technophile or Luddite, an expert or newbie, below are some ideas to help you flesh out your shopping list.
—Lauren Kostas
Don’t let your phone die before get that lifer pic. Make sure you have plenty of power for your maps, apps, and snaps with a lightweight, portable charger like the Nimble CHAMP or Anker PowerCore.
We're going to find that Whip-poor-will gosh darn it! Increase your chances with one of these handy little infrared cameras, which can help you pinpoint species in the dark of the night.
You'd think aligning your phone camera with your scope or binoculars would be fairly easy. A hundred blurry photos later beg to differ. But this handy little Smartphone Mount has got you covered and will take your cell phone bird pics from garbage to identifiable.
If you prefer pen and paper to e-lists and apps, consider the Sibley Birder’s Life List and Field Diary. The notebook includes a list of North American birds, a checklist, and space for notes.
Browse for used or vintage binoculars on eBay or Adorama. You can find some great deals, and the birds will love your eco-friendly nature.
A collapsible silicon water bottle is perfect way to stay hydrated on walks while keeping your load light. At the end of the trip, fold it up and easily tuck it away.
The Bird Collective Finch Sweatshirt will get you into the festive winter finch season before you can say White-winged Crossbill. A most fashionable way to layer up on those cold winter walks.
Annoyed because the Red-bellied Woodpecker’s red is clearly his head? Frustrated with describing the sundry shade of warbler-yellow? Get the field guide that will improve your identification skills (or at least give you a good laugh). Matt Kracht’s FIeld Guide to Dumb Birds of North America is described as the perfect book for the birder and the anti-birder (as if you would want to give such a person a gift).
You're never going to break that big day record with eyeballs alone. But with the Larkwire app to train your ears to search for birds, be prepared to set a new personal best.
Jealous of the glorious bird photos you see your friends post on Insta? Take a bird photography class with Melissa Groo through Cornell Lab’s Bird Academy.
Choose from a selection of Darn Tough Socks, including hootie and twitterer motifs, to keep your tootsies comfy and cozy on early morning field trips. These babies are virtually indestructible and come with a lifetime guarantee.
Visualize your dream field trip to the tops of the cloud forests in Costa Rica by practicing yoga on Charley Harper Monteverde Yoga Mat. Come face-to-face with the Resplendent Quetzal as you down-dog your way to peace and calm.
Note: This post is only for general information purposes. COS doesn’t make any warranties on the items listed above and received no referral commission.